Friday, January 29, 2010


1. Abdicate:

To formally renounce her responsibilty, to give up, to resign.

2. Aggrieved:

Wronged, droubled, distressed.

3. conjecture:

A conculusion based on incomplete evidence,a guess.

4. Equity:

Honesty, fairness, Justice, Impartiality.

5. Legacy:

Anything recieved or passed on by uncessder or predessor.

Thursday, January 28, 2010



Sudden but short lived, variable.

On cool days my battery only provide spasmodic power.

2. Spurn:

Decline, Snub.

I'm really insulted.They spurn my proposal without even reading it.

3. Discharge:

To perform duty, execute, fullfill.

He is a model officer who discharges his duty perfectly.

4. Dissident:

One who differs in thoughts and opinion.

We would have total agreement in the meeting except pathan. He is such a dissident person.


anyone interested with a mission, an agent and representative.

Dont send ur envoy rather i would talk to a person.
Ravi is a perfect envoy to send to this negotiation. He is completely loyal to our company and she thinks on her feet.


1. Cardinal:

A prime important, principle.

His cardinal rule is what goes around and comes around.
That is the cardinal point of his proposal; everything hindsed on it.

2. Figment:

Invention of the mind, something imagined, myth

The science fiction story was the figment of a brutal mind.
Micky mouse is a profitable figment of wall disney imagination.

3. Muse:

To consider thoughtfully,Ponder, reflect.

Lets muse over this idea before we act on it.

4. Negligible:

So Small or unimportant, minor

The moisture in hot desert air is negligible.
Since you have so little invested your risk is negligible.

5. Reproach:

To blame for something wrong, expressed disapproval.

Siva performance on the project was above reproach.
karthi reproach ravi for ignoring him during IPL season.